● Фильмы и Сериалы ● Бесплатно и Онлайн ● Подписывайся и Смотри! ● vk.cc/8gATXc »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
Битва за Севастополь (2015) / Фильм
Любовь под нескончаемым огнем противника, дружба с Элеонорой Рузвельт, выступление на конференции, повлиявшее на исход Второй мировой войны, желание жить и страх потерять любимого человека — справится ли со всем этим хрупкая женщина?
Это реальная история Людмилы Павличенко — легендарной женщины-снайпера. Солдаты шли в бой с ее именем на устах, а враги устроили на нее охоту. На поле битвы она видела смерть и страдания, но самым серьезным испытанием для нее стала любовь, которую у нее могла забрать война…
Страна: Россия, Украина
Год выхода: 2015
Режиссер: Сергей Мокрицкий
В ролях: Евгений Цыганов, Юлия Пересильд,
Никита Ефремов, Александр Денисенко (II),
Андрей Франчук, Заза Чантурия, Никита Тарасов,
Олег Васильков, Джоан Блэкхэм
From his early days with the Yardbirds, through John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers, Cream, Blind Faith, Derek And The Dominos and on to his solo career he has had consistent critical and commercial success. “Planes, Trains And Eric” follows Eric Clapton and his band on the Far and Middle Eastern leg of his 2014 World Tour. The film features 13 full length performances from the tour intercut with interviews with Eric Clapton and the band members, rehearsal and soundcheck footage, travel by trains and planes, presentations and “fly on the wall” filming of all the many aspects of being on the road with Eric Clapton.
release date 03/11/2014
1) Tell The Truth 2) Pretending 3) Crossroads 4) Driftin’ 5) I Shot The Sherriff 6) Little Queen Of Spades 7) Layla 8) Wonderful Tonight 9) Key To The Highway 10) Before You Accuse Me 11) Tears In Heaven 12) Cocaine 13) Hoochie Coochie Man 14) High Time (Credits – Audio Only)
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La Blogothèque and Le Centre des Monuments Nationaux present, with the support of La Sacem, HUMAN by #Rone live recorded at Château de Châteaudun (France)
Human is the first extract of Rones upcoming album Room With A View — Stream/order: idol.lnk.to/Room_with_a_View
#RoomWithAView at Théâtre du Châtelet with (LA)HORDE and Ballet National de Marseille from March 5 to 14, 2020 — Tickets: bit.ly/2Sz4a2F
During the meditative track «Human», the audience moves from darkness to light, is surrounded by the mysterious intensity of the collective, gradually discovering the cold walls of the medieval castle… and finally the artist and his instruments, followed by a choir and their walk together into the heart of the great ‘Salle des Tapisseries’.
The choir is composed solely of fans of Rone, who responded to a call to action on his social networks, to meet the artist and participate in the filming.
«Listening to „Human“, I immediately had an idea for a clip: very cinematic, quite grandiose and aesthetically in harmony with other live clips of „La Blogothèque“. Plus, a film shot in an exceptional location and visionary in its use of light.“ (Aelred Nils, director)
Post Rock behemoth, Caspian, entered the post rock scene in 2003 where the genre was still in its developmental stage and it took no time for them to make a name for themselves. Their unique compositions, crushing melodies, organic and unforced flow to their songs are few of the attributes that make them a truly marvellous sonic experience. Known for their explosive live presence on stage, Caspian have been featured twice on Audiotree sessions and KEXP and have had numerous tours all around the world, mesmerising audiences with their presence.
In 2013, their bassist Chris Friedrich passed away which was a huge shock for me. May his soul rest in peace and this mixtape is dedicated to him and his family.
I sure hope that you guys enjoy the mix and leave us a comment.
Look deeper in the «about» section to learn more about Tryptology and the Intentions within. You can find me on Soundcloud, Youtube, Hearthis, Mixcloud and other social networks, in fact I am everywhere on the web and in many realities and timelines. Here the tracklist and timecode :):
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